Young-Williams Animal Center to temporarily move intake area due to construction

Young-Williams Animal Center will move its Lost and Found department, which includes both the Pet Intake area and the Pet Resource Center, to a temporary on-site location during construction.
For approximately 8-10 weeks, the Lost and Found area at the main shelter at 3201 Division St., will be housed behind the main building. Visitors to intake, lost and found, and pet resource departments should follow the posted signage to the temporary entrance, which is not accessible through the main front entrance to Young-Williams Animal Center.

“We are excited about these much-needed updates, which will create better areas to serve the lost or at-risk animals in Knoxville and Knox County,” says Janet Testerman, CEO of Young-Williams Animal Center. “The construction help provide a better customer service experience and will expand our intake and pet resource spaces, where we reunite lost animals with owners and provide resources to help owners keep their pets.”
Young-Williams Animal Center is open daily from 10 a.m.-6 p.m., with a break from 1-2 p.m. for animal quiet time.