Chelcie Bowman
Placement Manager
Chelcie’s animal welfare experience dates back to nearly birth! Her mother is a vet tech, groomer, trainer, wildlife rehabilitator, and runs a rescue/sanctuary in Meigs County where Chelcie spent most of her younger years assisting with all the rescue animals. Growing up, she was primarily a big dog person, but is now claiming the “crazy cat lady” title.
Prior to coming to Young-Williams in August 2021 as the Foster and Rescue Placement Manager, Chelcie worked at the Humane Society, Tennessee Valley for seven years starting as a kennel tech and adoption counselor, moving up to team lead, and becoming the Foster Manager where she grew their foster program to amazing heights.
Chelcie has two cats, Grizabella and Persimmon, who are her whole heart. They were both previously feral momma cats; Grizz was Chelcie’s “gateway cat” into becoming the crazy cat lady and Persimmon was her office cat for a year and a half before moving in with Chelcie and Grizz permanently.
Chelcie also volunteers at Zoo Knoxville in the Carnivore Department (big cats and primates are her loves.) In her free time, she enjoys hiking with her mom in the Smoky Mountains or local state parks, doing yoga, dying her hair fun new colors, and hanging out with her cats.