Young-Williams Animal Center Employee Spotlight

Meet Kyla! She’s worked with YWAC Spay/ Neuter solutions teams for four years. She’s a rock star, and  assisted in more than 2,000 surgeries!


What makes your work day go by faster?

All the random, funny things that happens with my team.

Dream vacation?

An Alaskan cruise!

Book or t.v.?


Favorite Halloween outfit you’ve worn or made? 

It’s  a toss up between  Chucky, and 2018’s Marie Antoinette …headless.

Tea or coffee?


What do your hobbies include?

Dog sitting, and if it’s football season I can be found watch the Green Bay Packers.

Favorite food?


Person who inspires you the most?

My mom.

Best concert you’ve ever been to?

the New Kids on the Block with Backstreet Boys <3