Foster of the Month :: Jeannine

I started volunteering at YWAC in 2007 and took home my first foster, Oreo, in the summer of 2008 after he became ill.   The rest, as they say, is history.  My daughter and I have fostered about 175 cats and kittens and one wonderful Great Pyrenees named Gertie.

Foster article photo
Being a foster home for YWAC is a win-win-win.  Fostering helps the animal, helps the shelter and it is absolutely one of the most rewarding parts of my life.  Fostering gives you the opportunity to bridge what was and what can be for that animal.  I have truly had the privilege of being a part of some extraordinary animal’s lives and helping them on their journey.  We can’t change the circumstance that brought them to the shelter in the first place but we can help them move into the future happy, healthy and confident.  Yes, it can be hard to give them back and a little piece of my heart goes with each one, but there is such joy in seeing your foster baby pick her forever family.  To anyone thinking of fostering, give it a try.  You just might fall in love!

If you are interested in fostering for Young-Williams Animal Center, follow this link for more information!