Happy Holidays!
Panda came to the animal shelter when he was just a young pup. He and his siblings –8 of them in all —were an unplanned litter of puppies. The “mom” was a purebred dog whose owners had planned to have her spayed but then fell on hard economic times and just couldn’t afford the cost of the surgery.
Panda and his brothers and sisters were among the hundreds of animals the Young-Williams Animal Center receives every week of the year. As the only open admission shelter in Knox County, YWAC accepts any animal for any reason. We never turn an animal away!
Panda was checked out by our veterinary staff, evaluated by our kennel and adoption staff and then moved into the adoption area where he patiently waited….and waited…..and waited for just the right family.
One day, a great family came to the Animal Center in search of the perfect new pet for their family. They looked at big dogs, small dogs, kittens and cats, bunnies and guinea pigs and finally at puppies. One look at a cute goofy pup with huge paws and a soulful expression on his face and it was L O V E at first sight for all! Panda has been a part of the Moffett family for almost four years now.
Panda and thousands of other homeless animals depend on Young-Williams Animal Center to help us change their fate in life. And we depend on friends and supporters like you to help us help them. Whether it’s helping a needy family spay or neuter or feed their current pet or helping lost animals find their way back home or helping homeless animals find their new “forever” family….like Panda with the Moffetts…we can only continue to be here for the animals with the help of caring friends like you.
This holiday season, please remember the animals in need and donate to Young-Williams Animal Center so we can ensure that our doors are always open to animals in need of food, shelter, and ..of course..love.
Happy Holidays and thanks for your support from all of us at Young-Williams Animal Center…..