Application for Permit to Keep Livestock Including: Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Goats

I hereby make application for a permit to keep livestock within the City of Knoxville under the provisions of City of Knoxville Animal Ordinances Chapter 5, Article IV, Section 5-101 and base my application upon answers to the following questions:
Date of Birth

The following information will be used to locate and contact the Applicant in case of an emergency:

Emergency Contact: (local friend, relative, neighbor, etc.)

Veterinarian Information (*REQUIRED*):

Office Address

Prior applications for permits or licenses:

Has the Applicant:
Been denied any type of license by the City of Knoxville?
Had any type of license revoked in the City of Knoxville?
Been charged with a violation of any animal law or code?

Livestock Information:

Please submit the following information for each animal to be included on this permit.

Animal 1

Animal 2

Animal 3

Animal 4

Animal 5

All properties must be zoned Agricultural (AG). The applicant must apply for rezoning to keep and maintain livestock upon the property indicated in this permit application in compliance with City of Knoxville zoning ordinances, rules and regulations.

Please contact the City of Knoxville Plans Review and Inspections Department to affirm approval below:

City of Knoxville Plans Review and Inspections Department
400 Main Street, Suite 475
Knoxville, TN 37902
(865) 215-4311

Clear Signature
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY