Application for Permit to Keep Domesticated Hens

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Does the Applicant?

IF the Applicant leases (or occupies as other than an owner in fee) the property where the hens will be located, please provide the following information:

Name of Property Owner
Address of Property Owner
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY

The following information will be used to locate and contact the Applicant in case of an emergency::

Emergency Contact: (local friend, relative, neighbor, etc.)

Veterinarian Information (*REQUIRED*):

Veterinarian Office Address

Prior applications for permits or licenses:

Has the Applicant:

Been denied any type of license by the City of Knoxville?
Had any type of license revoked in the City of Knoxville?
Been charged with a violation of any animal law or code?
Has the Applicant acquired and held a permit for a pre-existing coop?

Educational exemption:

Is the applicant applying for an education exemption?

Measurements of coop and run area: (Please give measurements in feet and inches)

Chicken Coop Image
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
You must attach at least (1) picture of the chicken coop and one (1) picture of the chicken run area to this application. Failure to include chicken coop and chicken run dimensions and pictures may cause your application to be denied or delay the processing of your permit.

By signing below of this application, I, the Applicant:

  1. State that all of the information provided above is accurate as of the date below;
  2. Agree to provide current accurate information if any of the information above becomes inaccurate;
  3. Confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to each and every term, condition, and waiver listed below;
  4. Agree to comply with all applicable zoning ordinances, rules, and regulations, as they pertain to the keeping of hens;

I understand that all references to the ‘permittee’ in this application and in the ‘Domesticated Chickens’ ordinance refer to me, the Applicant.

I further understand that failure to comply with the terms of the permit will result in immediate termination of the permit granted pursuant to this application.

Clear Signature
Terms, Conditions, and Waivers
  1. Only one (1) annual permit to keep hens is allowed per permittee and that permit is personal to the permittee and may not be transferred or reassigned.
  2. The annual permit to keep hens authorizes the keeping of hens only on the property described in the permit and the permittee must occupy that property as a primary residence.
  3. The permittee must get the approval of the property owner if the permittee does not own the property on which the hens are to be kept.
  4. In the event the permittee is absent from the property for longer than thirty (30) days, the permit shall automatically terminate and become void.
  5. The issuance of a permit does not create a vested right of renewal of the permit beyond the stated term thereof.
  6. The fee for an annual permit to keep domesticated hens is twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
  7. The permit shall extend from the date of issuance through December 31. Thereafter, the permit must be renewed annually. The renewal shall extend from January 1 through December 31.
  8. Up to six (6) hens may be allowed. The provisions of this section apply to all lots regardless of how many dwelling units are on the lot. In the case of multifamily residential complexes without individually owned back yards, the maximum number of hens allowed is six (6) per complex.
  9. A permittee who has been granted an education exemption may have an additional thirteen (13) hens for a maximum period of six months within a 12-month period as long as the permittee meets the requirements of subsection (o) of the Domesticated Chickens ordinance.
  10. Only female hens are allowed. There is no restriction on domestic chicken breeds. However, fowl and poultry other than chickens are not allowed.
  11. Hens shall be kept for personal use only; no person shall sell eggs or engage in chicken breeding or fertilizer production for commercial purposes. The slaughtering of chickens is prohibited.
  12. Hens must be kept in a fenced enclosure at all times. The fenced enclosure must be either: (i) covered, or (ii) at least forty-two (42) inches high, in which case, all hens must be wing-clipped to prevent escape. Hens shall be secured within the henhouse during non-daylight hours.
  13. In addition to the fenced enclosure, hens shall be provided with a covered, predator-resistant henhouse.
  14. A minimum of two (2) square feet per hen shall be provided for inside henhouses and six (6) square feet per hen for chicken run area. The henhouse may not cover an area larger than one hundred (100) square feet.
Hens Coop Square Feet Hen Run Square Feet
1 Hen2 sqft6 sqft
2 Hens4 sqft12 sqft
3 Hens6 sqft18 sqft
4 Hens8 sqft24 sqft
5 Hens10 sqft30 sqft
6 Hens12 sqft36 sqft
  1. Fenced enclosures and henhouses must be properly ventilated, clean, dry, and odor-free; kept in a neat and sanitary condition at all times; and kept in a manner that will not disturb the use or enjoyment of neighboring lots due to noise, odor or other adverse impact.
  2. The henhouse and fenced enclosure must provide adequate ventilation; adequate sun and shade; and must be constructed in a manner to resist access by rodents, wild birds, and predators, including dogs and cats.
  3. Henhouses shall be enclosed on all sides and shall have a roof and doors. Access doors must be able to be shut and locked at night. Opening windows and vents must be covered with predator- and bird-resistant wire of less than one (1) inch openings.
  4. The materials used in making the henhouse and fence shall be uniform for each element of the structure such that the walls are made of the same material, the roof has the same shingles or other covering, and any windows or openings are constructed using the same materials. The henhouse shall be well-maintained.
  5. Henhouses shall be located in compliance with the City of Knoxville Code of Ordinances, appendix B, zoning regulations.
  6. Neither the henhouse nor the fenced enclosure may be located less than ten (10) feet from any abutting property line.
  7. Henhouses and enclosures shall not be permitted in front yards.
  8. All stored food for the hens must be kept either indoors or in a weather-resistant container designed to prevent access by animals. Uneaten food shall be removed daily.
  9. Provision must be made for the storage and removal of chicken manure. All manure for composting or fertilizing shall be contained in a well-aerated garden compost pile. All other manure not used for composting or fertilizing shall be removed. In addition, the henhouse and surrounding area must be kept free from trash and accumulated droppings.
  10. In addition to the standards set forth in this ordinance, the permittee must follow all other applicable rules for the keeping of animals included in this code.
  11. Every applicant for a permit to keep domesticated hens shall complete and file an application on a form prescribed by the animal services unit and deposit the prescribed permit fee with the animal services administrative office at the time the application is filed. Any material misstatement or omission shall be grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation of the permit.
  12. Young-Williams Animal Center Animal Services Department shall deny a permit if the applicant has not demonstrated compliance with all provisions of this section. A permit to keep domesticated hens may be suspended or revoked by Young-Williams Animal Services where there is a risk to public health or safety or for any violation of or failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section or with the provisions of any other applicable ordinance or law. Any denial, revocation, or suspension of a permit shall be in writing and shall include notification of the right to and procedure for appeal.
  13. In addition to any other enforcement action which the city may take, violation of any provision of this section shall be a civil violation and a fine not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) may be imposed. Each day that a violation continues will be treated as a separate offense.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Application Fee Details

Please remit this form along with the $25.00 application fee. Fees can be paid online or by check. Make checks payable to Young-Williams Animal Center and send to the following address:

Young-Williams Animal Center
ATTN: Animal Services Admin - Permits
3201 Division Street
Knoxville, TN 37919

If you have questions relating to this application, please contact Young-Williams Animal Services: