Application for Permit for Prescribed Grazing Project Address(Required) Street Address City ZIP code Property Occupant Information/Applicant Information:Name(Required) First Last Date of birth(Required) Month Day Year Home Address(Required) Street Address City ZIP code Cell Phone(Required)Home PhoneThe property occupant Owns the property Leases the property Other If the property occupant is a tenant, provide the following information about the property owner:NameDate of BirthHome AddressZIP codeHome PhoneWork PhoneEmail Is this a multiple-property permit? Yes No Multiple-property permits may be issued to multiple property occupants who share common boundary lines. For multiple-property permits, please provide all occupant and property information on the permit addendum.Grazing Animal Owner:Name First Last Date of BirthMonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Home Address Street Address City ZIP code Cell PhoneHome PhoneEmail 24-Hour Contact Person Information:Status is : Same as Applicant Same as Property Other (please fill out below) Name First Last Date of BirthMonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Home Address Street Address City ZIP code Cell PhoneHome PhoneEmail Description of the Project:Approximate area to be grazed in square feet:Type of animals to be used in project:Number of animals to be used in the project** This number does not include animals less than 6 months old that accompany an adult female. *Anticipated Start DateAnticipated End Date**Prescribed grazing cannot last longer than 90 days per permit, and no more than two permits may be issued per property per calendar year. **The prescribed grazing activity must be fully and properly enclosed to prevent the enclosed animals from escaping. To enhance public safety, a sign, not to exceed four square feet (4 sq/ft), shall be visible from the nearest public right-of-way for the duration of the prescribed grazing activity, and will include the temporary permit number for the issued permit and the 24-hour contact number for the project. The prescribed grazing activity will not include construction of a permanent structure without a building permit, and any temporary shelter shall be at least ten (10) feet from the adjacent property line. Feed and other supplies will be securely stored so as not to encourage vermin or other pests. Animal droppings will be removed as needed to prevent accumulation and avoid health or sanitation problems. Reasonable care will be taken to prevent erosion, water runoff or waterquality problems.(Required) I understand and agree to the following:The prescribed grazing activity must be fully and properly enclosed to prevent the enclosed animals from escaping. To enhance public safety, a sign, not to exceed four square feet (4 sq/ft), shall be visible from the nearest public right-of-way for the duration of the prescribed grazing activity, and will include the temporary permit number for the issued permit and the 24-hour contact number for the project. The prescribed grazing activity will not include construction of a permanent structure without a building permit, and any temporary shelter shall be at least ten (10) feet from the adjacent property line. Feed and other supplies will be securely stored so as not to encourage vermin or other pests. Animal droppings will be removed as needed to prevent accumulation and avoid health or sanitation problems. Reasonable care will be taken to prevent erosion, water runoff or waterquality problems.Will temporary electric fencing be used to provide proper enclosure, in whole or part, for the animals subject to this permit?(Required) Yes No (Required) If I answered Yes to the preceding question, I understand and agree that the fence must comply with section 19-100 of the Knoxville City Code (i.e. will not exceed twelve (12) volts, will be at least three (3) feet in height, will have a warning sign posted every fifty (50) feet, and will use all equipment for its intended use).Animal Welfare:I understand and agree to the following(Required) Prescribed grazing animals must receive proper veterinary care and regular deworming. If a prescribed grazing animal becomes ill, hurt or perishes, the owner must provide immediate care or remove the animal. Male animals older than six months must be neutered.Have you ever:Been denied any type of license by the City of Knoxville?(Required) Yes No Have you ever:Had any type of license revoked in the City of Knoxville?(Required) Yes No Been charged with a violation of any animal law or code?(Required) Yes No If the answer to any of the preceding questions is Yes, please explain below if necessary.State that all of the information provided above is accurate as of the date below; Will provide current accurate information if any of the information above becomes inaccurate; Agree that I have read, understood, and agree to each and every term, condition, and waiver listed below; Agree to comply with all applicable zoning ordinances, rules, and regulations, as they pertain to using domestic animals for prescribed grazing; Understand that all references to the ‘permittee’ in this application as well as in the ‘Prescribed Grazing’ ordinance refer to both the Applicant, and the Grazing Animal Owner; and it is understood that failure to comply with the terms of the permit will result in immediate termination of the permit granted pursuant to this application. Read the following terms of the application for a prescribed grazing permit and, after carefully reading, understanding, and considering the following, sign and date signifying your accord and agreement with those terms. Terms, Conditions, and Waivers The issuance of a permit does not create a vested interest or right of renewal for the permittee beyond the stated term thereof. The fee for a temporary permit for the use of domestic goats for the purpose of prescribed grazing is twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Prescribed grazing shall not be permitted for more than ninety (90) consecutive days per permit issued, and no more than two (2) permits may be issued per property per calendar year. A single permit may be issued for multiple adjacent lots. The area permitted for prescribed grazing shall be fully and properly enclosed at all times. Proper enclosure refers to any combination of temporary or permanent fences or structures designed to prevent escape of the prescribed grazing animals. Temporary fences may be electric or electrified. The enclosure must be of sufficient height and the bottom of enclosures shall be constructed or secured to prevent the enclosed animals from escaping the enclosure(s). The enclosure must not include the construction of any permanent structures for prescribed grazing activity without a building permit. If the enclosure provides a temporary shelter for the prescribed grazing animals, it shall be located at least ten (10) feet from the nearest adjacent property line. In the event that the permittee uses an electric fence, it must be operated in compliance with 19-100 of the Knoxville City Code (i.e., will not exceed twelve (12) volts, will be at least three (3) feet in height, will have a warning sign posted every fifty (50) feet, and will use all equipment for its intended use). The enclosure shall not contain more than one animal per 2,500 square feet of the prescribed grazing area, and any stocking rate calculation that ends in a fractional unit amount shall be rounded down to the next whole number portion of the calculation to determine the number of allowable prescribed grazing animals for the site. Animals less than six (6) months of age that accompany an adult female animal should not be included in stocking calculations. The owner of the property and the contractor who manages the prescribed grazing animals shall provide a 24-hour phone number and email address so the responsible party can be contacted for removing the prescribed grazing animals as required in a timely manner. The owners of the prescribed grazing animals must ensure the welfare of the animals. Prescribed grazing animals must receive proper veterinary treatment and regular deworming. In the event that a prescribed grazing animal becomes ill, hurt, or perishes, the owner of the prescribed grazing animal(s) must provide immediate on-site care or remove the animal(s) from the property promptly if immediate on-site care cannot be provided. Male animals older than six months of age must be neutered. Permit applicants are required to disclose any prior complaints about the applicant or convictions of the applicant for animal cruelty on the permit application. Any feed for the prescribed grazing animals must be securely stored so as not to encourage vermin or other pests. Animal droppings shall be removed as needed to prevent accumulation and to avoid public health or sanitation problems. Reasonable care must be taken to prevent erosion, water runoff, or water quality problems. To enhance public safety, a single sign, not to exceed four (4) square feet in size and not to exceed four feet in height if freestanding, shall be erected and visible from the nearest public right-of-way, but not in the public right-of-way, for the duration of the prescribed grazing activity with the issued permit number and the phone number for the 24-hour contact for the prescribed grazing animals. All temporary fencing and animals must be removed by the conclusion of the approved period. The permittee must also comply with all other relevant zoning and health codes when using animals for prescribed grazing. Young-Williams Animal Center shall deny a permit if the applicant has not demonstrated compliance with all provisions of this section. A permit to conduct prescribed grazing activities may be suspended or revoked by Young-Williams Animal Center where there is a risk to public health or safety, or for any violation of or failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section, terms of the permit, or any other applicable ordinance or law. Any denial, revocation, or suspension of a permit shall be in writing and shall include notification of the right to and procedure for appeal. I understand that, should my application be accepted, I am being granted a privilege, not a right. I acquire no vested interest in using domestic animals for prescribed grazing within the City of Knoxville beyond the stated terms of this permit. I understand that neither the City of Knoxville nor any of its instrumentalities, agents, or employees makes any representations as to continued rights to use domestic animals for prescribed grazing within the City of Knoxville or to extend the duration of the permit or grant additional permits in the future. I absolve the City of Knoxville of all liability flowing from any damage or harm that I or another granted authority under this permit might cause, by negligence or otherwise, in the enjoyment of the privileges granted therein. I assert that I have read and understand the relevant provisions of the Animal Ordinances in Chapter 5 of the City of Knoxville Code of Ordinances and agree to comply with all relevant provisions of those ordinances governing the treatment of the animals in question and understand the criminal and civil consequences of violating those ordinances. I further understand that, in the event of a public health or safety emergency, I agree to immediate compliance with directions of public health officials and Young-Williams Animal Services and agree to allow those officials to enter, seize control, and/or close my operations if a situation threatening the public health and/or safety develops or is discovered. By signing this permit application, both the Applicant and the Grazing Animal Owner: State that all of the information provided above is accurate as of the date below; Will provide current accurate information if any of the information above becomes inaccurate; Agree that I have read, understood, and agree to each and every term, condition, and waiver listed below; Agree to comply with all applicable zoning ordinances, rules, and regulations, as they pertain to using domestic animals for prescribed grazing; Understand that all references to the ‘permittee’ in this application as well as in the ‘Prescribed Grazing’ ordinance refer to both the Applicant, and the Grazing Animal Owner; and it is understood that failure to comply with the terms of the permit will result in immediate termination of the permit granted pursuant to this application. Read the following terms of the application for a prescribed grazing permit and, after carefully reading, understanding, and considering the following, sign and date signifying your accord and agreement with those terms. Terms, Conditions, and Waivers The issuance of a permit does not create a vested interest or right of renewal for the permittee beyond the stated term thereof. The fee for a temporary permit for the use of domestic goats for the purpose of prescribed grazing is twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Prescribed grazing shall not be permitted for more than ninety (90) consecutive days per permit issued, and no more than two (2) permits may be issued per property per calendar year. A single permit may be issued for multiple adjacent lots. The area permitted for prescribed grazing shall be fully and properly enclosed at all times. Proper enclosure refers to any combination of temporary or permanent fences or structures designed to prevent escape of the prescribed grazing animals. Temporary fences may be electric or electrified. The enclosure must be of sufficient height and the bottom of enclosures shall be constructed or secured to prevent the enclosed animals from escaping the enclosure(s). The enclosure must not include the construction of any permanent structures for prescribed grazing activity without a building permit. If the enclosure provides a temporary shelter for the prescribed grazing animals, it shall be located at least ten (10) feet from the nearest adjacent property line. In the event that the permittee uses an electric fence, it must be operated in compliance with 19-100 of the Knoxville City Code (i.e., will not exceed twelve (12) volts, will be at least three (3) feet in height, will have a warning sign posted every fifty (50) feet, and will use all equipment for its intended use). The enclosure shall not contain more than one animal per 2,500 square feet of the prescribed grazing area, and any stocking rate calculation that ends in a fractional unit amount shall be rounded down to the next whole number portion of the calculation to determine the number of allowable prescribed grazing animals for the site. Animals less than six (6) months of age that accompany an adult female animal should not be included in stocking calculations. The owner of the property and the contractor who manages the prescribed grazing animals shall provide a 24-hour phone number and email address so the responsible party can be contacted for removing the prescribed grazing animals as required in a timely manner. The owners of the prescribed grazing animals must ensure the welfare of the animals. Prescribed grazing animals must receive proper veterinary treatment and regular deworming. In the event that a prescribed grazing animal becomes ill, hurt, or perishes, the owner of the prescribed grazing animal(s) must provide immediate on-site care or remove the animal(s) from the property promptly if immediate on-site care cannot be provided. Male animals older than six months of age must be neutered. Permit applicants are required to disclose any prior complaints about the applicant or convictions of the applicant for animal cruelty on the permit application. Any feed for the prescribed grazing animals must be securely stored so as not to encourage vermin or other pests. Animal droppings shall be removed as needed to prevent accumulation and to avoid public health or sanitation problems. Reasonable care must be taken to prevent erosion, water runoff, or water quality problems. To enhance public safety, a single sign, not to exceed four (4) square feet in size and not to exceed four feet in height if freestanding, shall be erected and visible from the nearest public right-of-way, but not in the public right-of-way, for the duration of the prescribed grazing activity with the issued permit number and the phone number for the 24-hour contact for the prescribed grazing animals. All temporary fencing and animals must be removed by the conclusion of the approved period. The permittee must also comply with all other relevant zoning and health codes when using animals for prescribed grazing. Young-Williams Animal Center shall deny a permit if the applicant has not demonstrated compliance with all provisions of this section. A permit to conduct prescribed grazing activities may be suspended or revoked by Young-Williams Animal Center where there is a risk to public health or safety, or for any violation of or failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section, terms of the permit, or any other applicable ordinance or law. Any denial, revocation, or suspension of a permit shall be in writing and shall include notification of the right to and procedure for appeal. I understand that, should my application be accepted, I am being granted a privilege, not a right. I acquire no vested interest in using domestic animals for prescribed grazing within the City of Knoxville beyond the stated terms of this permit. I understand that neither the City of Knoxville nor any of its instrumentalities, agents, or employees makes any representations as to continued rights to use domestic animals for prescribed grazing within the City of Knoxville or to extend the duration of the permit or grant additional permits in the future. I absolve the City of Knoxville of all liability flowing from any damage or harm that I or another granted authority under this permit might cause, by negligence or otherwise, in the enjoyment of the privileges granted therein. I assert that I have read and understand the relevant provisions of the Animal Ordinances in Chapter 5 of the City of Knoxville Code of Ordinances and agree to comply with all relevant provisions of those ordinances governing the treatment of the animals in question and understand the criminal and civil consequences of violating those ordinances. I further understand that, in the event of a public health or safety emergency, I agree to immediate compliance with directions of public health officials and Young-Williams Animal Services and agree to allow those officials to enter, seize control, and/or close my operations if a situation threatening the public health and/or safety develops or is discovered.SignatureDateMonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Application Fee Details Please remit this form along with the $25.00 application fee. Fees can be paid online or by check. Make checks payable to Young-Williams Animal Center and send to the following address: Young-Williams Animal Center ATTN: Animal Services Admin - Permits 3201 Division Street Knoxville, TN 37919 If you have questions relating to this application, please contact Young-Williams Animal Services: Email: [email protected] Phone: (865) 407-2229