A Message from our CEO, Jeff Ashin
When the temperature rises every year, so do the numbers of incoming animals at Young-Williams Animal Center. Historically, August is one of YWAC’s highest intake months with the number of animals up for adoption reaching up to 300 at a given time. The cost of caring for the animals waiting to be adopted is $35 per pet, per day. When all of the adoptable pets are factored into this equation it could add up to over $10,000 for just one day of care. While these numbers may not seem like a lot at first glance, it is important to note that the adoption floor is not paid for by taxpayers, but operates solely off of donations and grants.
At YWAC it is our goal to create new beginnings for every animal that comes through our open doors. But we need your help in order to make this happen. By making a donation to YWAC, you can help fund the many animals that are patiently waiting on the adoption floor to find their forever homes.
I ask that you help us as we continue in our plight to find forever homes for the many adoptable animals of Knox County and the City of Knoxville. With your generous donations, Young-Williams Animal Center can continue to provide for the many animals it houses on the adoption floor. By funding these adoptable animals, you can be a part of our movement at YWAC as we help animals and humans alike find their loving forever companions.
If you would like to make a donation to YWAC or learn more about making a donation please visit our website at https://www.young-williams.org/donations/
Jeff Ashin, CEO