Application for Animal Exhibition Permit

Event Information:

Date Start(Required)
Date End(Required)

I hereby make application for a permit to show or exhibit animals authorized to be shown or exhibited under the provisions of City of Knoxville Animal Ordinances Chapter 5, Article I, Section 5-14 and base my application upon answers to the following questions:

Applicant Information:

Date of Birth(Required)
Business Address

Name, Address and Phone Number of all operators of exhibition:

Have you or any of the parties listed above ever operated an animal exhibit?(Required)

If yes, list the type of exhibit, date and place of operation over the last five years:

Have you or any of the parties listed above ever been convicted of any violation of animal laws in any state within the last 10 years?

If yes, give particulars of each charge, state, court and date of conviction:

List below the number and species of all animals to be exhibited:

List below the name and phone number of veterinarians to be available during hours of exhibit operation:

Will animals be sold at the exhibition?
Have you ever applied for an animal exhibition permit from the City of Knoxville?
Have you ever had an animal exhibition permit denied in the State of Tennessee?
Clear Signature

Please remit this form along with the $25.00 application fee. Fees can be paid online or by check. Make checks payable to Young-Williams Animal Center and send to the following address:

Young-Williams Animal Center
ATTN: Animal Services Admin - Permits
3201 Division Street
Knoxville, TN 37919

If you have questions relating to this application, please contact Young-Williams Animal Services: